Weather & Webcam
Holiday weather in Naz-Sciaves and live images directly from your holiday destination.
Here you find information about the holiday weather in Naz, thus you can arrange and plan your holiday activities better. But not to worry, there is no time for boredom here even if the weather isn’t so nice. South Tyrol offers many possibilities for an eventful day on your holidays even in bad weather.
General weather today:
A cold front reaches the Alps from the west. |
Weather today:
In the morning, precipitation will spread across the whole region, with the snow line between 1000 and 1500 m. In the afternoon, the rain and snowfall will ease from the west and the |
The highest temperatures will range from 4° to 7°. |
Mountain weather today:
A cold front reaches the Alps from the west. |
Intermittent precipitation. It will remain very cloudy on Monday. At first there will be some rain in the south, but by the evening the precipitation will become more frequent.
On Tuesday, it will rain and snow
repeatedly, with a focus in the morning, with the snow line dropping towards 800-1200 m.
Wednesday quite sunny weather, residual clouds in the morning will break up.
On Thursday low stratus
clouds in the morning, then sun.
Sunday 01-26. | Monday 01-27. | Tuesday 01-28. | Wednesday 01-29. | Thursday 01-30. |
Temp. min: -1° | Temp. min: -2° | Temp. min: -2° | Temp. min: -6° | Temp. min: -7° |
Temp. max: 7° | Temp. max: 7° | Temp. max: 7° | Temp. max: 9° | Temp. max: 9° |